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Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5th 2010 You Bloggers

I have been perusing through some of the blogs on here. It seems that it is split 50/50. There are the blog that are made by people who want to update their friends and family about their family lives, pregnancies, growing children, etc. And then, there are the blogs that are made by those who write to find themselves, or at least they pretend to be doing so. Those are the middle aged singles of the world. Let's pretend that's me for now. Oh, and a tiny percentage seems to be those teenagers that are pretending to be creative and exploding themselves onto the page. None of us however have been allowing the harsh shit that is our reality to hit the fan.

It seems no matter how many various mediums of communication we find, somehow we create an exponential amount of ways to keep ourselves inside. You may be, you may be alone, you may think you have someone who is the closest person to you, you may have people you grew up with and still call your "brother" or "sister", but the harsh shitty truth is- that we are not who we pretend to be. For the most part, I think we find ourselves struggling to believe or to pretend. Are we who we pretend to be since in fact we are so good at pretending that we are doing exactly what a person that we are pretending to be would do? OR is there a grandeur meaning, the person we should find?

I am one to create. I believe discovery to be useful only for the purpose of creation of a more perfect being. I never "found" myself. I MADE myself into whom I wanted to be. But still, I pretend to be someone else sometimes. In this blog, I pretend to be anyone and everyone all of the time. I am the voice of of your neighbor, of your girlfriend, of your husband, of your ex, of your best friend, of your mother, of your grandfather, of your boss, of your child, of your wildly innocent self.

My purpose? to Rant for your discovery and creation.

Alias: Big Brother

PS: I promise the blogs will start to have more direction and focus on different topics of Ranting. Don't forget to comment on the Rants, Rant, and Rate my Rants. Thank you for reading.


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